97.DS. 一个地方从星期四早上八点钟以恒定的RATE下雨,问能否知道每小时下雨下了多少INCH? A. 星期四共下了3.2 inch的雨 B. 从早上八点到八点半共下了2 inch的雨(数字忘记了,但不影响解题的吧) 98.DS:一个盘上有6个点,问能否知道连接所有点所用最少的直线? A. 一条直线连接了至少三个点,另一条串起了剩下的点 B. 一条直线连接了其中四个点 选A
辛苦lz,我有点小疑问 97,半个小时是2inch的话,那么每小时为啥是3inch呢? 98,B中 还有两个点,应该也是两条吧?
67.A new type of graph question, 30 students in a certain, please refer to the above graphic which indicate the relationship between the no of students and the frequency they did certain activity (not accurate), ask what’s probability for a student to did certain activity more than 1 time of the median (or average!!友情提醒,一定要注意这个好像是Median我算成average了) of the group
烦请nn解答下 more than 1 time of the median of the group 是什么意思呀?
-- by 会员 vkoa (2011/2/28 22:40:59)
叹。。。。 97 俺做得急了,笔误,对不住啦 98 不知道当时咋想了,俺觉得你是对的。。。(冷汗直下啊。。) 67比中位数组多1次的 -- by 会员 暮湘寒 (2011/3/2 2:21:51)
辛苦辛苦,谢谢你啦~~67偶明白了, 解释的真好! |