A说,the owner and editor of The Messenger were two young journalists, 解释说,The use of the singular owner and editor is puzzling: did one journalist own and the other edit? Or did they jointly own and edit? 好吧这的确有点puzzling
可是,C的说法就不puzzling了吗? C说,The Messenger was owned and edited by two young journalists, 解释说,the verbs indicate that both journalists played both roles 我就无语了,你从哪看出来的。。。
第二方面,“人名1 and 人名2,who” 这样的修饰会使who unclear?
ding -- by 会员 sasha_wen (2011/1/15 19:29:38)
lz你给个话啊。。这个你明白没啊…… -- by 会员 superbat28 (2011/7/21 20:50:30)