62. 一个兴趣小组,共由15人组成,5个人会德语,6个人会英语,10个人会法语,每个人至少会一门语言,其中有一个人3门语言都会,问那些恰好会2门语言的有几个人?我算的好像是4?记不太清楚了 总数=A+B+C-AB-AC-BC+ABC带入具体数字求出AB+BC+AC=7人 The tricky part for this question is that it ask for the number of people who ONLY know 2 languages. From the stimulus, we know that there are basically three types of people: those who knows 3 languages (1), those who knows ONLY 2 languages, and those who knows ONLY one language. Therefore 15= know3 + know2 + know1 5+6+10 = 3*know3 + 2*know2 + know1 21-15 = 2*know3 + know2 --> know2 = 6 -2 = 4 -- by 会员 sdcar2010 (2010/12/27 22:46:17)
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