但是题干给的例句并不是原命题和逆否命题的关系啊:not support → not allow;not support→not allow。是完全一样的啊。
E选项是:premise:affair →divorce;conclusion:not divorce→ not affair。
cc621josh 发表于 2010-12-10 14:41
E is the answer, right?E is more strictly parallel if saying like this :"The claim that any husband ...
楼上,你说的“because if you rephrase the statement you will have: No husband who has an extramarital affair is not divorced from his wife," while "every husband who has an extramarital affair gets divorced" has the same meaning.”就是:
not affair→not divorce,so affair→divorce
我已开始没想通原句的No one is allowed to pursue democracy without a government support. (双重否定就等于肯定),所以等于 If a democracy is allowed to be pursued, then that democracy must have government support.
premise: if not support, not allow.
conclusion: if not support, not allow.
conclusion: if not divorced, not have affair.
B:if divorce, have affair. =>逆否:If not have affair, not divorce.
E:if affair, divorce.=>逆否:if not divorce, not have affair.
E is correct, since its 逆否=原文。