求助裸机狗第一百题! 说有个国家Nation X的alzheimer's (老年痴呆症)的人很少。先说了一点背景知识就是说老年痴呆症如果不是在early middle age得的话那就是一般都是75所以后才得。然后说研究发现这个nation X吃的一种东西里面有个啥物质说这个物质是可以防止老年痴呆症。然后结论就是说就是因为这个物质所以nation x的这个病的人少。削弱。 选项:1 Many other nation's life expectancy is much longer than that of Nation X 2.说的是科学家发现这个nation X里面的那个物质只对bacteria有用但是老年痴呆症不是bacteria 3.说的是nation x的邻国都没有老年痴呆
求助裸机狗第一百题! 说有个国家Nation X的alzheimer's (老年痴呆症)的人很少。先说了一点背景知识就是说老年痴呆症如果不是在early middle age得的话那就是一般都是75所以后才得。然后说研究发现这个nation X吃的一种东西里面有个啥物质说这个物质是可以防止老年痴呆症。然后结论就是说就是因为这个物质所以nation x的这个病的人少。削弱。 选项:1 Many other nation's life expectancy is much longer than that of Nation X 2.说的是科学家发现这个nation X里面的那个物质只对bacteria有用但是老年痴呆症不是bacteria 3.说的是nation x的邻国都没有老年痴呆
求助裸机狗第一百题! 说有个国家Nation X的alzheimer's (老年痴呆症)的人很少。先说了一点背景知识就是说老年痴呆症如果不是在early middle age得的话那就是一般都是75所以后才得。然后说研究发现这个nation X吃的一种东西里面有个啥物质说这个物质是可以防止老年痴呆症。然后结论就是说就是因为这个物质所以nation x的这个病的人少。削弱。 选项:1 Many other nation's life expectancy is much longer than that of Nation X 2.说的是科学家发现这个nation X里面的那个物质只对bacteria有用但是老年痴呆症不是bacteria 3.说的是nation x的邻国都没有老年痴呆
狗主人选的是1. 我怎么觉得是2呢?
-- by 会员 littlecoco (2010/11/5 16:42:49)
-- by 会员 jenny1989 (2010/11/5 17:07:36)
哦sorry sorry,俺翻来着但是没看到。。看了你的解释我豁然开朗啦~thanks a million
Which of the following most logically completes the passage?
Mastitis is an infection of the udder in cows that, although not dangerous, causes them to give poor-quality milk. Most cases of mastitis are caused by the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus, against which antibiotics are ineffective. However, a related bacterium, Staphylococcus simulans, quickly clears up even severe infections of S. aureus simply by displacing the bacteria. S. simulans is nevertheless unlikely to become the preferred treatment for cases of mastitis, since ____ A A. certain dangerous bacteria that normally cannot take hold can do so in the presence of S. simulans B. the current resistance of S. aureus to antibiotics derives in part from a past pattern of overuse of those antibiotics C. the milk from cows infected with S. aureus is generally not of such poor quality as to be entirely unusable D. careful farming practice can reduce the incidence of mastitis to a minimum E. the only symptom of mild cases of mastitis is the deterioration in the quality of the milk produced