lz好,我刚好收到来自ESSEC的邀请,下个周末在北京面谈。但是我对这个学校一点也不了解,网上看了一下,说是法国的前三,欧洲的top多少呢?(不好意思,没查到) 我现在正在准备申请美国的ms in Human Resource. 想问下lz,这个学校有相关的项目吗?还有,这个学校的特色是什么? 我GMAT720,T104,GPA 89,没有工作经验,只有实习经历,申这个学校的话把握大不大? -- by 会员 sarahren (2010/10/9 21:25:40)
ESSEC is one of the top 3 business schools in France. As for its ranking in Europe, I don't know either, but it doesn't matter to me, because the MBA in International Luxury Brand Management program is the No.1 in the world. So I think it really depends on where you want to have your career in the future. If you want to come to France, ESSEC is a great choice, 'cus it's very well known here. Different program has its own application requirements. You should consult the program's website. ESSEC does have an advance master program in HR. For more information, you can refer to the following link (choose Management des Resources Humaines): http://www.essec.edu/programs/advanced-masters-programs.html |