我是用排除法首先排除了C, D; E is irrelevant, B和A当中挑一个。B positively strengthen flood-control project's importance, but it does not weaken the argument, so i choose A
(B)Since 1980, those areas that have taken flood-control measures have suffered greater flood damage than they did in the previous decade 这道题讲1980年后,采取措施了遭到了更大损失。这实际上是加强了题目中的论点。因为要质疑的论点就是说因为采取措施了损失大,所以措施没用。排除。 (C)The cost of flood damage has increased every year since 1980 这就是典型的跑题类的答案。题目要谈讨的重点不是cost。
(D)Faulty engineering has not been the only cause of the failure of flood-control projects 这道题跟C的选项有点类似。另外这道题的态度实际上是支持而不是削弱题目中的论点。
(E)The amount of rainfall since 1980 has been substantially greater than normal 这个选项有点迷惑性。但是仔细一想,这道题也是支持设施无用论的。