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wallstreet的boutique firm如过江之鲫,学校的JTS网站上列出了所有有cornell校友的firms,有50多个是比较活跃的。但你需要自己做功课,去公司网站上搜信息,找校友聊天,选出来和自己的背景比较match的,比如行业、国际、关注的市场、经营理念之类的,然后再重点突破。并没有比较popular的几家可以供你参考。唯一谈得上是共性的,大家比较喜欢选择来自lehman和Bear Stearns的人比较多的firm。
ABN Amro A holding company with subsidiaries that perform commercial banking operations, investment banking and other related financial activities. www.abnamro.com Akin Bay Company, LLC NY-based firm providing advisory, private placement, and merger and acquisition services to public, private, and family-owned middle market companies. www.akinbay.com Alerion Capital Group Merchant banking firm with a private equity focus on middle market companies. www.alerion.com Allen & Co. Serves variously as investor, underwriter, and broker to some of the biggest names in entertainment, technology, and information. www.hoovers.com/allen-&-company/--ID__51026--/free-co-factsheet.xhtml Ansley Capital Group Financial advisory firm focused on private companies in technology, healthcare, and outsourcing industries seeking to raise capital in the institutional capital markets. www.ansleycapital.com Barrington Associates An LA-based investment banking firm offering services including mergers and acquisitions, divesture advisory, corporate finance, restructuring, and valuation services. www.barringtonassociates.com BB & T Capital Markets Dedicated to delivering world-class corporate banking, investment banking, and capital markets solutions to commercial clients, corporate clients, and government entities. www.bbt.com/bbt/business/products/capitalmarkets.html BCC Capital Partners Provides investment banking and financial advisory services to middle market companies. www.bcccapital.com Bengur Bryan & Co. Provides private placements, mergers and acquisitions, and venture capital to middle-market companies. www.bengurbryan.com Bentley Associates L.P. Senior-level investment bankers servicing middle-market companies. www.bentleylp.com Updated02/23/09 BNY Mellon Formed in July 2007 through a merger between The Bank of New York Company, Inc. and Mellon Financial Corporation of Pittsburgh. www.bnymellon.com Brookwood Associates, Inc. Investment banking firm providing mergers and acquisitions, and private financing services to middle market companies www.brookwoodassociates.com Brown Gibbons Lang and Company A leading independent investment bank serving middle market companies and their owners throughout the U.S. and internationally. www.bglco.com Casimir Capital A private investment firm with a distinctive and successful approach to investing. www.casimircapital.com Capitalink, L.C. Capitalink provides investment banking services for middle market and emerging growth companies. www.capitalinklc.com CIBC A full service investment bank that provides corporate, government and institutional clients with innovative solutions to help them raise capital, grow, and invest. www.cibc.com/ca/investing/index.html C. K. Cooper & Company Provides clients with financial and strategic advice, capital formation (public and private), valuation and strategic analysis and fairness opinions and transaction analysis. www.ckcooper.com Context Capital Group Investment banking firm provides corporate finance services to middle market companies. www.contextcapital.com Corporate Investment Partners, Inc. Financial advisory firm specializing in merger and acquisition services. www.cipartners.net Davis/Chambers & Company, Ltd. Provides a broad range of financial consulting services to middle market clients. www.davischambers.com Decosimo Corporate Finance Financial advisory services for middle market companies. www.jdcf.com Updated02/23/09 Dresner Investment Services A leading middle-market investment bank providing merger and acquisition services, growth capital, valuations and general corporate finance advisory. www.dresnerco.com Dunning Capital LLC Raleigh, NC-based investment banking firm focused on middle market companies. www.dunningcapital.com Dynasty Capital Advisors Merger and acquisition consulting, business valuation, and Employee Stock Ownership Plan advisory. www.dynastycapital.net Energy Capital Solutions An investment banking firm focused on raising private capital and providing merger and acquisition advisory services to public and private energy companies. www.energycapitalsolutions.com/ecs EquiCo Specializes in mergers, acquisitions, and corporate finance for middle market companies. www.equico.net Equity Development Systems Private investment banking, lending compliance, and investment recovery concern. www.edsltd.com Evercore Seeks to make value-oriented private equity investments in middle-market businesses. www.evercore.com Friedman Billings Ramsey Focuses on advisory, trading and research efforts in eight broad industry sectors – consumer, diversified industrials, energy and natural resources, financial institutions, healthcare, insurance, real estate, and technology, media and telecommunications. www.fbrcapitalmarkets.com Gateway Partners, Inc. Executes strategic acquisition searches for well-capitalized acquirers. www.gatewaypartnersinc.com Gleacher Partners A leading independent investment bank providing corporate strategic advice and investment management services. www.gleacher.com Greenhill Greenhill is not part of any larger financial institution that provide clients with completely objective advice without conflicts of interest. www.greenhill.com/homepage.php Updated02/23/09 Green Tree Capital Represents sellers of middle market companies, those buying a business or obtaining financing for a middle market company. www.greentreecapital.com Growth Capital Partners, L.P. Assists middle market companies in the Southwest achieve their growth objectives and increase shareholder value. www.growth-capital.com Gulf Atlantic Capital Corporation Provides capital sourcing, merger and acquisition, debt restructuring, turnaround management and lender services to middle market companies. www.gulfatlanticcapital.com Gulf Star Group, Inc. Provides investment banking services to middle market clients in the Southwest. www.gulfstargroup.com Harris Williams & Co. Investment banking firm serving middle market companies. www.harriswilliams.com/index2.php Headwaters MB Middle market investment banking firm providing financial services including merger and acquisition, capital raising (both equity and debt), and advisory services. www.headwatersmb.com Houlihan Lokey Provides a wide range of services, including mergers and acquisitions, financing, financial opinions and advisory services, and financial restructuring. www.hlhz.com Hughes Group Carolinas Assists middle market clients in mergers and acquisitions, valuations, and financing. www.hughescarolinas.com Innovation Advisors Focused on mergers and acquisitions in the information technology, communications and media sectors. www.innovationadvisors.com Jeffries A full-service investment bank and institutional securities firm focused on growing and midsized companies and their investors. www.jefferies.com Jopling, Inc. Provides investment banking services to middle market companies. www.joplinginc.com Updated02/23/09 Jordan Knauff & Company The investment bank works with the lower middle market, helping successful entrepreneurs to sell businesses, raise capital or undertake acquisitions. www.jordanknauff.com Lincoln Financial A diversified financial services organization headquartered in Philadelphia, PA. www.lfg.com Matrix Capital Markets Group An investment bank specializing in providing merger and acquisition advisory services to companies with revenues from $10 million to $100 million. www.matrixcapitalmarkets.com McColl Partners Provides leading investment banking services to middle-market companies and financial institutions. www.mccollpartners.com Mesirow Financial A diversified financial services firm headquartered in Chicago. www.mesirowfinancial.com Middelton, Limburg & Company Company specializing in mergers, acquisitions, business valuations, and other financial advisory services beneficial to middle market business owners. www.midlimco.com Montauk Financial A leading financial services company providing a full spectrum of investment products through independent financial professionals nationwide. www.montaukfinancial.com Morgan Joseph A full service investment banking firm with over 140 employees and seven offices in seven cities dedicated to serving middle market companies. www.morganjoseph.com National City Founded in 1845 and headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio, a financial holding company with assets of over $100 billion. www.nationalcity.com Newbury, Piret & Co. A Boston investment banking firm providing corporate finance services to technology companies. www.newburypiret.com Pacific Growth Equities Their investment mission is to create better companies and finance new industries. www.pacgrow.com Updated02/23/09 Piper Jaffray A leading middle market investment bank and institutional securities firm. www.piperjaffray.com Prairie Capital Advisors, Inc. Provides financial advisory services to owners of middle market companies. www.prairiecap.com Prospect Partners Focused on management led leveraged buyouts in the lower middle market. www.prospect-partners.com Robert W Baird A wealth management, capital markets and asset management firm with offices in the United States, United Kingdom, Germany and China. www.rwbaird.com Roseview Capital Partners Providing capital advisory services to mid-sized, privately held companies. www.roseviewcapitalpartners.com Rudder Capital Advisory firm that offers to develop and implement new growth strategies for small and midsize companies. www.ruddercapital.com Ryan Beck Has 176 offices throughout the U.S. and Europe and has over 1,500 financial professionals providing financial advice and innovative solutions to individuals, institutions and corporate clients. www.stifel.com Sandler O’Neill A New York City based investment banking firm that maintains offices in New York City, Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, and San Francisco. www.sandleroneill.com Savoy Capital Advisors Boutique investment banking firm providing mergers, acquisitions and financial advisory services. www.sca-ny.com Scotia Capita Represents the global corporate and investment banking, and capital markets businesses of the Scotiabank Group, providing full service coverage in Canada and servicing selected niche markets globally. www.scotiacapital.com Seabury Group Provides investment banking, financial advisory, restructuring, software development and consulting services for all segments of the transportation and logistics industries, as well as for the travel, technology, real estate, and insurance industries. www.seaburygroup.com Updated02/23/09 Seidman & Co Inc Investment banking firm that principally services small and middle market companies. www.seidman-co.com Shields & Company, Inc. Boston-based firm assisting middle market companies with mergers and acquisitions, capital raising, business valuations, and financial advisory services. www.shieldsco.com Societe General Aims to be a leading European corporate and investment bank, offering excellence of service to its clients, strong profitability to the Group and its shareholders, and to be an employer of choice for its employees. www.sgcib.com Sperry, Mitchell and Company Investment bank specializing in mergers and acquisitions involving private companies. www.sperrymitchell.com Stephens A full service, privately owned investment bank headquartered in Little Rock, Arkansas, with offices across the country in key markets, as well as abroad in London. www.stephens.com SunTrust Robinson Humphrey Based in Atlanta, Georgia and provides comprehensive capital raising, strategic advisory, risk management, and investment solutions to serve the needs of corporate clients across the nation. www.suntrustrh.com The Capital Corporation Assists middle-market companies in mergers, acquisitions and business financing. www.thecapitalcorp.com CCC Investment Banking Financial advisory firm and merchant bank to the North American mid-market. www.cccinvestmentbanking.com The DAK Group, Ltd. Merger and acquisition and valuation for the middle market business owner. www.dakgroup.com The Greystone Group LLC A specialty middle market investment banking firm based in La Jolla, CA focused on the cement and construction material Industry. www.thegreystonegroup.com The McFaddin | Metis Group LLC Mergers and acquisitions firm focused on the professional services industry. www.mcfaddinmetis.com Updated02/23/09 US Capital Partners LLC Private investment banking firm, formed to provide middle-market companies first class investment banking services by senior professionals who have significant Wall Street and operating experience. www.uscapitalpartners.com William Blair A Chicago-based investment firm offering investment banking, asset management, equity research, institutional and private brokerage, and private capital to individual, institutional, and issuing clients. www.williamblair.com Woodbridge Group, Inc. Middle market investment bankers serving companies located in the Northeast and Middle Atlantic States. Working for business owners with businesses that have achieved revenue between $5 million and $50 million. www.woodbridgegrp.com
boutique 的firm都大概是哪些啊,有没有一些名字
我在try IB。个人感觉location不是问题。学校的brand也还够用,至少让你能够得到所有一线投行的面试机会。只有你的能力是最大的问题。别的不用瞎操心。学校的后勤和就业指导做得非常好(比admission office的工作好10倍,我来了才庆幸没有被脑残的adcom吓退)。你什么时候需要干嘛,应该做到什么水平,都很清楚的。只要你有能力有毅力一走下去,收获不难。IB每年大约有50位左右学生会尝试。据说每年,只要坚持到第一学年最后做完IB immersion的人,至少都会有一个internship offer。只不过如果你是IB的career work group里的 botton 30%的话,一般只能去boutique firm了。国际学生可以用香港做backup, 实习反倒都找得更好,且香港税少,小日子过的不错。 学校的位置只是会让你比在NYC的学校更累一些。你需要付出更多:travel的时间 accomodation的成本之类的。但是不是问题。
呵呵,感谢分享!! 想请问一下在校的同学,Cornell的location对于找IB的工作会不会觉得是一个劣势? 真的没有中国学生能在纽约找到IB的工作么? 还有就是,Johnson对GMAT/GPA看重程度如何? 谢谢!! -- by 会员 huhuorbobo (2010/10/6 19:12:05)
-- by 会员 caomuruzhi (2010/10/7 14:55:41)
-- by 会员 Knockoff (2010/10/7 15:31:56)