懂了!可惜我赶不上第一轮了55555:( Essay还没写到位,推荐信也还没有办。唉……我只有11月那轮了 其实10月和11月离得并不是很远,offer都10月发,真是……唉……………… -- by 会员 yoshimihoku (2010/9/26 23:59:19)
I applied the third round last year and interviewed in March. Cornell usually took a while to get back to you, so you need to be mentally prepared when apply in later rounds. However, It is true that it is better to apply early but at the same time you don't want to underprepare your application and interview just for that reason. If you have strong credential, later round still works. -- by 会员 elaineQ (2010/9/27 2:49:11)