10. All of John's friends say they know someone who has smoked 40 cigarettes a day for the past 40 years and yet who is really fit and well. John does not know anyone like that and it is quite certain that he is not unique among his friends in this respect.
If the statements in the passage are true, then which one of the following must also be true?
(A) Smoking often lie about how much they smoke.
(B) People often knowingly exaggerate without intending to lie.
(C) All John's friends know the same lifelong heavy smoker.
(D) Most of John's friends are not telling the truth.
(E) Some of John's friends are not telling the truth.
我不明白这是怎么来的。在归纳题中,不能有原文没有的概念,但E中不是出现了telling the truth, 这一原文没有的概念了吗?
High-technology medicine is driving up the nation's health care costs. Recent advances in cataract surgery illustrate why this is occurring. Cataracts are a major cause of blindness, especially in elderly people. Ten years ago, cataract surgery was painful and not always effective. Thanks to the new technology used in cataract surgery, the operation now restores vision dramatically and is less expensive. These two factors have caused the number of cataract operations performed to increase greatly, which has, in turn, drive up the total amount spent on cataract surgery.
7. Each of the following, if true, would support a challenge to the author's explanation of the increase in the number of cataract operations EXCEPT:
(A) The overall population of the nation has increased from what it was ten years ago
(B) Any one individual's chance of developing cataracts is greater than it was ten years ago.
(C) The number of older people has increased during the last ten years.
(D) Today, health insurance covers cataract surgery for more people than it did ten years ago.
(E) People who have had unsuccessful cataract surgery are left with more seriously impaired vision than they had before the surgery.
17. From a book review: The authors blithely claim that there are "three basic ways to store energy: as heat, as electricity or as kinetic energy" However, I can not call to mind any affective ways to store energy as electricity, whereas any capable student of physics could readily suggest a few more ways to store energy : chemical , gravitational, nuclear
The reviewer makes which one of the following criticisms of a claim that appears in the book under review?
(A) There is no reason to consider any particular way to store energy any more basic than any other
(B) The list given of ways to store energy is possibly inaccurate and certainly not exhaustive
(C) It is overly limiting to treat basic ways to store energy as a question unrelated to the question of effective ways to use energy
(D) What needs to be considered is not whether various ways to store energy are basic but whether they are effective
(E) Except possibly for electricity all ways to store energy are equally effective and therefore equally basic
[此贴子已经被作者于2003-5-24 10:20:46编辑过] |