Citing the recent increase in earnings by several computer companies, economists feel that a cycle has begun in which personal computer users, especially corporate consumers, are replacing their PC's with more powerful models.
Q5: Citing the recent increase in earnings by several computer companies, economists feel that a cycle has begun in which personal computer users, especially corporate consumers, are replacing their PC’s with more powerful models.
A. a cycle has begun in which personal computer users B. a cycle for personal computer users has begun in which they C. there is a cycle beginning for personal computer users D. it is the beginning of a cycle for personal computer users E. personal computer users are in the beginning of a cycle when they
答案选了A,我选了E。其实是胡乱选的,但是觉得A也挺费解的。 in which 是修饰cycle的吗?不是说要紧跟被修饰词吗?
我不是高人 试着说一下 我认为in which 是修饰cycle,我觉得在OG中,which要紧跟修饰词的定律并不是绝对的,which紧跟修饰的对象当然最好,不会引起歧义。但同时也要考虑句子结构的合理性和意思逻辑性,使得句子达到最优。其实这道题可以这么写: a cycle(主语) in which personal computer users, especially corporate consumers(括号里的部分是插入语可以省掉不看), are replacing their PC’s with more powerful models (整个蓝色部分都是定于从句修饰主语 )has begun (谓语). 其实句子的主干只是 a cycle has begun,可是中间加入了定于从句部分使得主谓相隔太远,是的句子头重脚轻,不如把谓语提前紧跟主语,就像原题那样, in which 这时候可以不紧跟主语,因为in which 前只有a cycle这一个名词可以指代,所以它放在has begun之后也不会引起歧义。 我自己总结后发现有时候OG宁可头轻脚重,也不愿意头重脚轻,有这样的题的。 希望对你有帮助