GWD-11-Q35 -Q37当代女权主义者对20年代妇女选举权运动的评价
Recent feminist scholarship con- 早期人们以妇女选举权运动众所周知地
cerning the United States in the 1920’s “得到保证”来评价美国的1920’s,
challenges earlier interpretations that 最近,女权主义者挑战这一观点。
Line assessed the twenties in terms of the
(5) unkept “promises” of the women’s
suffrage movement. This new scholar- 新观点驳斥道,因为妇女在1920年获
ship disputes the long-held view that 投票权后,妇女投票组织没有实体化,
because a women’s voting bloc did not 选举权不能为妇女争得长久的政治利益。
materialize after women gained the right
(10) to vote in 1920, suffrage failed to
produce long-term political gains for
women. These feminist scholars also 女权学家也认为选举权失败,因为它没
challenge the old view that pronounced 有遵守妇女投票将带来道德的无腐败的
suffrage a failure for not delivering on 统治的诺言。
(15) the promise that the women’s vote
would bring about moral, corruption-
free governance. Asked whether 被问到选举权是否失败时,他们引用世
women’s suffrage was a failure, these 纪交替时的社会改革家JA的话:“为
scholars cite the words of turn-of-the- 何你不问选举权是否全面失败?“
(20) century social reformer Jane Addams,
“Why don’t you ask if suffrage in
general is failing?”学者的观点认为suffrage是失败
In some ways, however, these递进 在某些方面,这些女权学者仍然认为
scholars still present the 1920’s as a 1920’s是衰落时期。
(25) period of decline. After suffrage, they 他们说选举权后,女权运动失去了凝
argue, the feminist movement lost its 聚力,性别意识下降。
cohesiveness, and gender conscious-
ness waned. After the mid-1920’s, few 1920’s中期后,鲜见女权改革家的成
successes could be claimed by fem- 就:在成功立法方面很少见。
(30) inist reformers: little could be seen in
the way of legislative victories. 衰退的年代 new scholarship的另一观点
During this decade, however, there 然而在此时期,以取得更多妇女自治
was intense activism aimed at achiev- 为目标的强烈的激进主义存在着,扩
ing increased autonomy for women, 宽到妇女的日常生活领域。
(35) broadening the spheres within which
they lived their daily lives. Women’s 妇女组织的工作为妇女提供机会:
organizations worked to establish
opportunities for women: they strove to 他们致力于保障妇女完全的公民权利,
secure for women the full entitlements 包括管理办公室及服务陪审庭的权利。
(40) of citizenship, including the right to hold
office and the right to serve on juries.最终观点 不同意recent的观点
1P: recent scholarship challenges earlier interpretations unkept “promise” of women suffrage. Disputes, also challenges older view…
2P: in some ways, however, decline….
3P: during this decade, however, intense activism…. Women’ organization worked to establish opportunities for women…
The passage is primarily concerned with
providing evidence indicating that feminist reformers of the 1920’s failed to reach some of their goals偏
presenting scholarship that contrasts suffragist “promises” with the historical realities of the 1920’s
discussing recent scholarship concerning the achievements of women’s suffrage during the 1920’s and presenting an alternative view of those achievements
Recent feminist scholarship concerning the United States in the 1920’s challenges earlier interpretations that assessed the twenties in terms of the unkept “promises” of the women’s suffrage movement.
outlining recent findings concerning events leading to suffrage for women in the 1920’s and presenting a challenge to those findings
providing support for a traditional view of the success of feminist attempts to increase gender consciousness among women during the 1920’s
It can be inferred that the author of the passage disagrees with the “new scholarship” mentioned in lines 6-7 regarding the
degree to which the “promises” of the suffrage movement remained unkept
degree to which suffrage for women improved the morality of governance
degree to which the 1920’s represented a period of decline for the feminist movement
During this decade, however, there was intense activism aimed at achieving increased autonomy for women,。。。
degree of legislative success achieved by feminist reformers during the 1920’s
accuracy of the view that a women’s voting bloc did not materialize once suffrage was achieved
The purpose of the second paragraph (lines 23-31) of the passage is to
suggest a reason why suffragist “promises” were not kept
contrast suffragist “promises” with the reality of the 1920’s
deplore the lack of successful feminist reform in 1920’s
explain a view held by feminist scholars
answer the question asked by Jane Addams
-- by 会员 nowwsy (2010/7/2 18:42:38)