GWD-TN-1 GWD1-Q40:
Until mow, only injectable vaccines against influenza have been available.Parents are reluctant to subject children to the pain of injections, but adults, who are at risk of serious complications from influenza, are commonly vaccinated.A new influenza vaccine, administered painlessly in a nasal spray, is effective for children.However, since children seldom develop serious complications from influenza, no significant public health benefit would result from widespread vaccination of children using the nasal spray.
Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
A.Any person who has received the injectable vaccine can safely receive the nasal-spray vaccine as well.
B.The new vaccine uses the same mechanism to ward off influenza as jnjectable vaccines do.
C.The injectable vaccine is affordable for all adults.
D.Adults do not contract influenza primarily from children who have influenza.
E.The nasal spray vaccine is most effective when administered to adults.
一种新型的vaccine,使用方法不是注射而是喷洒,因此适合儿童使用,但是儿童不会因为这个influenza产生严重的并发症,因此认为在儿童中广泛使用vaccine不会产生significant public benefits.-------前提:如果这个infuenza可以由儿童传染给大人,那么儿童使用这个vaccine就是断绝这个传染途径,从而有了public benefits. 应该是这道题目吧?楼主辛苦啦!