以下是引用pumpkin在2004-4-17 2:13:00的发言:og-114. The more frequently employees take time to exercise during working hours each week, the fewer sick days they take. Even employees who exercise only once a week during working hours take less sick time than those who do not exercise. Therefore, if companies started fitness programs, the absentee rate in those companies would decrease significantly.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument above?
(A) Employees who exercise during working hours occasionally fall asleep for short periods of time after they exercise.
(B) Employees who are frequently absent are the least likely to cooperate with or to join a corporate fitness program.
(C) Employees who exercise only once a week in their company’s fitness program usually also exercise after work.
(D) Employees who exercise in their company’s fitness program use their working time no more productively than those who do not exercise.
(E) Employees who exercise during working hours take slightly longer lunch breaks than employees who do not exercise. 这个题目偶理解是A-B模式的方法论. 方法companies started fitness programs. 方法本身的正确性已经证明了. 问题就是方法是不是可行 E选项就是指出, 方法虽然好, 但是方法不能作用在该去作用的人头上, 那么就是方法不能实现那个目的. 这里就是方法的可行性. 不要求方法的唯一性. 请求指教
不懂什么叫A-B. 当初刚看CR时,也看过. 不过没搞明白. 后来也没再看.
E 的错误在于无干项. 人家说ABSTENTEE, 你回答什么LUNCH BREAK. 根本就是无关嘛.
没看懂MM 的可行, 唯一的观点.
你想得太多了. 多看OG的解释. OG怎么说, 你就怎么跟着他的思路想. 多看看就明白了. 嘻嘻. TAKE IT EASY. |