我尝试一下吧 题目结论是:CB是1148年produced的 给了一堆理由:前80是一个人写的,后20是由3个不同人写的,这意味着serious disruption;然后又有一个人提到有瘟疫 问支持:D选项,如果历史上就这么一场瘟疫,就说明只有这场瘟疫disrupt了这个CB的编写,所以能支持结论 不知道回答了你的问题没
昨天做加强题,121题错了~看了官方解释后,就没整明白。刚才搜索了一下CD上的帖子,貌似也没有给出相对比较清楚的解释。 请教牛牛们!!! Codex Berinensis,a Florentine copy of an ancient Roman medical treatise, is undated but contains clues to when it was produced. Its first 80 pages are by a single copiest, but the remaining 20 pages are by three different copiests,which indicates some significant disruption .Since a letter in handwriting identified as that of the fourth copiest mentions a plague that killed many people in Florence in 1148, Codex Berinensis was probably produced in that year. Which of the follwoing, if ture, most strongly supports the hyposthesis that Codex Berinensis was produced in 1148? A. Other than Codex Berinensis, there are no known samples of the handwriting of the first three copyists. B. According to the account by the fourth copiest, the plague went on for 10 months. C. A scribe woud be able to copy a page of text the size and style of Codex Berinensis in a day. D. There was only one outbreak of plague in Florence in the 1100s. E. The number of pages of Codex Berinensis produced by a single scribe becomes smaller with each successive change of copiest. 是说CB这玩意儿就是这几个抄写员完成的么?它的出版时间应该是以什么时间为准啊?为什么说1148年有大瘟疫所以就是那一年出版的呢?这有什么关系啊??? 希望大家能给我一些意见!谢谢! -- by 会员 wangjing726 (2010/6/3 14:09:54)