Downtown Villieu was once a flourishing business district, but most Villieu-area businesses are now located only in the suburbs. The office buildings downtown lack the modern amenities most business operators demand today. To lure more businesses downtown, Villieu officials plan to have several modern office buildings constructed and to offer reduced local tax rates to any business that leases space in a new downtown building. Which of the following, if true, most threatens the plan's likelihood of success?
背景:大部分V商业现在仅在suburbs. downtown 缺少 moderb ameneties. 这个ameneties是most商业所需要的。
目的: lure 更多商业到downtown
途径:V当局 (1)建立modern offices (2)提供reduced local tax给在downtown租房子的business.
问题:削弱成功可能性。(就是lure 不到更多商业到downtown)
(A) Most of the businesses currently located in downtown Villieu have long-term leases on the space they occupy there. 这里说most of the businesses currently located in downtown V拥有长租约。 当前的时间和目的中lure 更多business,涵盖范围不一样。一个是已经存在了的,一个是想要吸引的。这是两个概念。所以无关。
(B) The existing office buildings in downtown Villieu have, on average, a much higher vacancy rate than do office buildings in Villieu's suburbs. 现存在downtown的buildings空置率比sububs的空置率高。这是个相对概念不是个绝对概念。空置率=空着的房子/对应集合中总房子数目。可以是downtown的buildings数量很少,但是空房子多,也可以是数量很大。这样来说对于lure到更多商业到downtown没啥影响。所以无关。
(C) The local tax rates in Villieu's suburbs are significantly lower than downtown Villieu's proposed rate for businesses that lease space in the new office buildings. 郊区当地的税是远远低于the new office的税的。downtown降低多少也没有低于suburb的税。比如downtown原来50%,suburb原来5%,按照原文说降税,downtown降到了20%,却也还是比5%多。税多了,自然不能够吸引商业。(有个认知就是商业是逐利的,这个作为GMAT逻辑前提,是不需要写出来的)
(D) Most of the businesses that currently lease office space in downtown Villieu also lease office space in Villieu's suburbs. 大部分现在在downtown租房子的,在suburb也租房子,没啥影响。无关。
(E) With the new office buildings, downtown Villieu would have a greater amount of modern office space than any other downtown business district in the region. V的downtown要比其他街区的downtown有更多的modern office space.比较对象与题干无关。题干在比较V的downtown和suburb.