21. Metal rings recently excavated from seventh-century settlements in the western part of Mexico were made using the same metallurgical techniques as those used by Ecuadorian artisans before and during that period. These techniques are sufficiently complex to make their independent development in both areas unlikely. Since the people of these two areas were in cultural contact, archaeologists hypothesize that the metallurgical techniques used to make the rings found in Mexico were learned by Mexican artisans from Ecuadorian counterparts.
Which of the following would it be most useful to establish in order to evaluate the archaeologists’ hypothesis?
(A) Whether metal objects were traded from Ecuador to western Mexico during the seventh century (C) Whether artisans from western Mexico could have learned complex metallurgical techniques from their Ecuadorian counterparts without actually leaving western Mexico
顺带附上OG的解释,还请达人解答!谢谢! Argument Evaluation Situation Metal rings excavated from seventh-century settlements in western Mexico were made with the same complex techniques used in Ecuador before and during a period when the two cultures were known to be in contact. Mexican artisans are thought to have learned the techniques from Ecuadorian artisans. Reasoning What point could best be applied in evaluating this hypothesis? Consider what specific information would help to assess the archaeologists’ theory. It is given that the two areas had some cultural contact. If it were determined that metal objects were traded from one culture to the other, it could be possible that the metalworking techniques were passed along as well. Such evidence would be relevant to the hypothesis that Mexican artisans saw the work of their Ecuadorian counterparts and, from this exchange, learned the techniques to make the metal rings. A Correct. Th is statement properly identifies information that would be useful in the evaluation of the archaeologists’ hypothesis. C The hypothesis is not about where Mexican artisans learned the techniques, but whether they learned them from the Ecuadorians. The correct answer is A.