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From the bark of the paper birch tree the Menomini crafted a canoe about twenty feet long and two feet wide, with small ribs and rails of cedar, which could carry four persons or eight hundred pounds of baggage so light that a person could easily portage it around impeding rapids.

正确答案: E









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大全-天山新题-20-13/15 (左看右看没一个像正确答案)

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发表于 2004-3-20 23:30:00 | 只看该作者

大全-天山新题-20-13/15 (左看右看没一个像正确答案)

13.         By law, a qualified physician can only prescribe medicine, protecting the public.fficeffice" />

(A) By law, a qualified physician can only prescribe medicine, protecting the public.

(B) By law, only a qualified physician can prescribe medicine, protecting the public.

(C) By law, only a qualified physician can prescribe medicine which protects the public.

(D) In order to protect the public, by law a qualified physician only can prescribe medicine.

(E) In order to protect the public, by law only a qualified physician can prescribe medicine.


答案是E。问to protect 的主语不是要和主句的主语一致吗?如果是的话,怎么感觉跟physician 连不上呀?


15.         A substance from the licorice plant, 50 times sweeter than sucrose, was recently discovered, is not only a natural sweetener but also prevents tooth decay.

(A) A substance from the licorice plant, 50 times sweeter than sucrose, was recently discovered

(B) A substance, which was recently discovered, from the licorice plant, 50 times sweeter than sucrose,

(C) A substance from the licorice plant, which was recently discovered to be 50 times sweeter than sucrose,

(D) A substance from the licorice plant, 50 times sweeter than sucrose , which was recently discovered,

(E) A recently discovered substance, 50 times sweeter than sucrose from the licorice plant,


答案B。我的疑问是,从意思上,50 times sweeter than sucrose,是修饰substance 的,这也离得太远了吧,而且前面还有plant干扰,不会引起歧义吗?



发表于 2004-3-21 00:22:00 | 只看该作者

1, First, it's got to be logically right. E is perfect.

2,     In order to protect ...==> the law regulates that ....


1, you can only choose the best one of the 5. no choose

2,     A,C and D can have ambuity, suggesting the plant is 50 times
sweeter. E has clearly distorted the meaning, saying sucrose is from
the plant.

发表于 2004-3-21 00:27:00 | 只看该作者





                                                     至于50 times sweeter than sucrose是可以这样用的,大全里有类似的题目,连续的三个修饰并列

 楼主| 发表于 2004-3-21 00:35:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用Snazzy在2004-3-21 0:22:00的发言:
1, First, it's got to be logically right. E is perfect.
2,     In order to protect ...==> the law regulates that ....

snazzy, 我的意思就是说,如果the law 做主语就很好理解了呀。变成physicians 不怕是dangling modifer 吗?

1, you can only choose the best one of the 5. no choose
2,     A,C and D can have ambuity, suggesting the plant is 50 times sweeter. E has clearly distorted the meaning, saying sucrose is from the plant.

同意你的观点,不过这种distortion of meaning 的错误,我是越来越搞不懂了。我是查了字典才确认A是正确的意思,而不是A distort the intended    meaning. 苦笑。考试时要都是这种语法题,我看我就去跳河算了。

 楼主| 发表于 2004-3-21 00:41:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用dreadpower在2004-3-21 0:27:00的发言:
                                                     至于50 times sweeter than sucrose是可以这样用的,大全里有类似的题目,连续的三个修饰并列


[此贴子已经被作者于2004-3-21 0:41:54编辑过]
发表于 2004-3-21 01:42:00 | 只看该作者
the meaning of c is not right since a substance is recently discovered rather than the sweatness of the substance discovered. but anyway b doesnot seem the answer.
 楼主| 发表于 2004-3-21 12:03:00 | 只看该作者
谢谢版主MM。 in order to 的例子收到。明白了用法。



(E) A recently discovered substance, 50 times sweeter than sucrosefrom the licorice plant,


发表于 2004-3-21 13:28:00 | 只看该作者

13. By law, a qualified physician can only prescribe medicine, protecting the public.fficeffice" />


(A) By law, a qualified physician can only prescribe medicine, protecting the public.

(B) By law, only a qualified physician can prescribe medicine, protecting the public.

(C) By law, only a qualified physician can prescribe medicine which protects the public.

(D) In order to protect the public, by law a qualified physician only can prescribe medicine.

(E) In order to protect the public, by law only a qualified physician can prescribe medicine.


答案是E。问to protect 的主语不是要和主句的主语一致吗?如果是的话,怎么感觉跟physician 连不上呀?


这道题我简直要疯了. 是不是我的基本判据都出了问题.

1.                         GMAT, 原化线句虽然可能有各种错误, 包括指代, 逻辑等错误. 但是它提供了我们句子要表达的基本意思. 我们在选择选项是, 要正确有效表达的也是这个意思. (对不对?)

2.                         该句, 首先-ing在句中或句尾是作为伴随状语(伴随状态或伴随结果). 这里我觉得是伴随结果: “根据法律, 只有合格的大夫才能开处方, (其伴随结果是)保护了公众. 这里逻辑意思是可以讲通的, 既然没有逻辑错误, 那么根据第1条原则, 应当保留原句想表达的意思. 所以我第一眼就排除了D,E

3.                         A中的physician can only prescribe不通, 应当改为only physician can prescribe.

4.                         D, E将伴随结果改为了目的状语, 虽然很通, 但改变了原句想表达的意思.

                        5. 我想问, 如果B, E都能讲的通, GMAT中要表达原句(提干)意思还还是表达自己理解的意思?


15. A substance from the licorice plant, 50 times sweeter than sucrose, was recently discovered, is not only a natural sweetener but also prevents tooth decay.


(A) A substance from the licorice plant, 50 times sweeter than sucrose, was recently discovered

(B) A substance, which was recently discovered, from the licorice plant, 50 times sweeter than sucrose,

(C) A substance from the licorice plant, which was recently discovered to be 50 times sweeter than sucrose,

(D) A substance from the licorice plant, 50 times sweeter than sucrose , which was recently discovered,

(E) A recently discovered substance, 50 times sweeter than sucrose from the licorice plant,

E是不对的, 原文是想说substance from licorice plant. E说的是sucrose from licorice plant. 区别很明显

 楼主| 发表于 2004-3-21 14:11:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用pumpkin在2004-3-21 12:51:00的发言:

以下是引用bryony在2004-3-21 12:03:00的发言:
谢谢版主MM。 in order to 的例子收到。明白了用法。



(E) A recently discovered substance, 50 times sweeter than sucrosefrom the licorice plant,



(B) A substance, which was recently discovered(发现时间), from the licorice plant(来源), 50 times sweeter than sucrose(同S物质比较),
(C) A substance from the licorice plant, which was recently discovered to be 50 times sweeter than sucrose,
(D) A substance from the licorice plant, 50 times sweeter than sucrose , which was recently discovered,
(E) A recently discovered substance, 50 times sweeter than sucrose from the licorice plant,

(E) A recently discovered substance (这里觉得不错, 更简洁, 但是不能突出"刚刚发现"这个重点---不过我认为可以.), 50 times sweeter than sucrose,from the licorice plant, 但是把同S物质的比较放在来源之前, 就不好.

看AA) A substance from the licorice plant, 50 times sweeter than sucrose, was recently discovered.
虽然A整个的大句子结构错误. 但是A本身的表达意思是很好的:

物质 (来源, 性质)---刚刚发现.

这点跟MM的意见不一致。我不认为A好。我认为, 50 times ...词组有修饰plant, 而非substance 之嫌。(不考虑A的结构错误。)让我们来比较一下BCD。看着为什么B好:

(B) A substance, which was recently discovered, from the licorice plant, 50 times sweeter than sucrose,
(C) A substance from the licorice plant, which was recently discovered to be 50 times sweeter than sucrose,
(D) A substance from the licorice plant, 50 times sweeter than sucrose , which was recently discovered,

如果我们都同意并列跳跃修饰的话,C和D究竟错在哪里?我认为C是which 从句修饰Plant。 再看D,可不可以像理解B一样理解D认为50 times.... 和which...都是并列修饰前面的a substance 呢?我认为这里unclear, 因为有plant 干扰。

所以我对E的一点看法是认为这样从句子意思上来说可以避免歧义。虽然我不认为这种修改很好。anyway, 这里最困扰我的问题还是:什么时候我们可以认为这种跳跃修饰?

同时回答weiyu 的答复,我知道E不对。我的问题是在from 前面加个逗号。

同时请看(B) A substance, which was recently discovered(发现时间), from the licorice plant(来源), 50 times sweeter than sucrose(同S物质比较),

将A的错误避免, 而且, 保持A的含义, 用定语从句突出刚刚发现这个事实, 保持了来源, 比较的原有顺序.

一点想法. 请指教

 楼主| 发表于 2004-3-21 14:29:00 | 只看该作者

fficeffice" />

引用weiyu: 的话:


2.                         该句, 首先-ing在句中或句尾是作为伴随状语(伴随状态或伴随结果). 这里我觉得是伴随结果: “根据法律, 只有合格的大夫才能开处方, (其伴随结果是)保护了公众. 这里逻辑意思是可以讲通的, 既然没有逻辑错误, 那么根据第1条原则, 应当保留原句想表达的意思. 所以我第一眼就排除了D,E


我不认为这里可以做伴随状语,(状态或结果),因为can 表明的一种规定性东西,是一个general principle, 而非一个具体动作。故直接用Ing, 或者which 修饰都很怪。比较一下这个句子:

OG-259 Five fledgling sea eagles left their nests in western ffice:smarttags" />Scotland this summer, bringing to 34 the number of wild birds successfully raised since transplants from Norway began in 1975.

这是正确的句子。这里的bring the number to 34, 是eagles left their nests 的伴随结果。感觉是不是很顺。我的理解是left 一个具体特定的动作,所以没问题。

而上句的can 表明的规定,规定只有在具体实施过程中才能伴随结果。不知道我有没有表达清楚,我的一点语感。而且我认为A是ETS的陷阱,考你ing clause 修饰上的歧义。

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-3-22 16:51:42编辑过]
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