还是不明白,题目中第一句Last year all refuse collected by Shelbyville city services was incinerated.指的应该是去年回收的垃圾都被焚烧了吧。楼上有人说文章说的目的是要把烧垃圾的 residual ash减少一半,但文中只说In order to reduce the amount of residual ash Shelbyville generates this year to half of last year's total,我的理解应该是目标今年产生的废气是去年的一半,那么如果去年的垃圾都烧了,今年的一部分回收利用了,一部分烧了,产生的废气不就少了吗? 所以我选了C,求指导 -- by 会员 davidpan86 (2011/7/9 0:25:25)
C) is not required because it is possible that there were already more than 50% recyclable materials in trash last year. If that was the case, as long as the recyclable portion this year is as large as that in last year, the goal of the city is achievable. Thus, C) is not a necessary assumption.
If C) changes to "Refuse collected by city services will contain at least 50% recyclable materials this year,", then C) would be a necessary assumption. |