“这些公司避免用executive titles 是因为要防止communication up and down the corporate hierarchy 而Business Consultant的意见是,用titles的话能够帮助处理externalbusinesses。而且后面也说了要在外面用而不要在公司内部用,这就说明BusinessConsultant 认为这些公司避免用titles是能够达到他想要的目的,但是只不过这个做法不够好,因为在外面用的话是有帮助的。 B选项说,第二句对这个做法的有效性提出了质疑,这个就是不对的。并没有对有效性提出质疑,只是觉得这个做法不够好,存在缺陷。所以就是A。”
Business Consultant: Some corporations shun the use of executivetitlesbecause they fear that the use of titles indicating positionin the corporation tends to inhibit communication up and down the corporatehierarchy. Since an executive who uses atitle is treated with more respect by outsiders, however,use of a title canfacilitate an executive’s dealings with external businesses.Clearly, corporations should adopt thecompromise of encouraging their executives to use their corporate titlesexternally but not internally, since even if it is widely known that thecorporation’s executives use titles outside their organization, this knowledgedoes not by itself inhibit communication within the corporation.
In the consultant’s reasoning, the twoportions in boldface play which of the following roles?
The first describes a strategy that has been adopted to avoid a certain problem; the second presents a drawback to that strategy.
The first describes a strategy that has been adopted to avoid a certain problem; the second is a consideration raised to call into question the effectiveness of that strategy as a means of achieving that goal.
The first describes a strategy that has been adopted to avoid a certain problem; the second is a consideration the consultant raises in questioning the significance of that problem.
The first is part of an explanation that the consultant offers for a certain phenomenon; the second is that phenomenon.
The first describes a policy for which the consultant seeks to provide a justification; the second is a consideration the consultant raises as part of that justification.