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发表于 2009-11-14 21:18:12 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

PART 1 Analysis of InsideAnd Outside Environment

PART 2 The Analyze of Financial Report

PART 3 Strategic Decisions



Today in the worldthere are more than 2.5 billion people using mobile phones, the mobilecommunication signals nearly cover every corner of the world. At the same time,every year in the world, there are more than 7 trillion minutes of calls madeand the amount of messages is 2.5 trillion. We are sure to say that the mobilecommunication has become the daily necessity of modern life, and the mobile communicationmarket, both now and in the future, will be a huge cake.

However, the competition in this market is fierceand it is not easy for one to always maintain its edge. At the end of 2008, theglobal financial crisis swept down the world, this market will be seriouslyaffected .How to maintain competitive in the fierce market and how to achieveprospective profit in the depression environment? Now, let’s have a look at ourgroup’s analysis and strategic decisions towards the Dizz.

Here we use the SWOTMODEL to give an analysis to DIZZ.


1. Capital and Brand.

DIZZ is a big companywhich is listed on a European stock exchange and operates well in the pasttime, so its capital advantage stands out.

It has a long historyand owns a large number of customers. Every year it finances large money forsponsorship and marketing. Its brand is widely known.  

2. Customers Service.

Dizz has established call centers in manycountries in which Dizz operates. This has enabled Dizz to remain close to itscustomers, to avoid creating any barriers to communication and satisfy theneeds of its customers.

3. Technologies.

It has a range of new technologies availableto its customers including Internet services and data transmission. Furthermore, Dizz’s market research teams arecontinuing to look at emerging technologies and new services in order todeliver improved telephony packages for its customers.

4. The IT Systems

Dizz’s integrated IT system handles allaspects of customer connections, accounts and billing. This system operateswell and has helped Dizz to save a lot of administrative costs.

5. The ManagementTeam

Its organization structure is clear andefficient. The Dizz Board has always been a strong believer in the importanceof developing the company’s own management team. By investing in its employees’welfare and continuous education

, Dizz released each individual’s truepotential to increase value for the group.


1.    Its revenue mainly comesfrom the European market, but now the market there has a fierce competition andhas nearly been saturated. The emerging markets’ devotion is insufficient.

2,  Itcan only hold a majority shareholding in the mobile phone operating companiesin some countries ,as it is not allowed by the some governments to hold a 100%shareholding. Several countries’ regulatory environment israther tough.

3.There is a high level of churn in this industry, which is not good to create astable market and profit.


1,  Although the European market is nearlysaturated, the emerging markets have a great potential.In India, for example, with a population of over 1,100 million, the number ofmobile phone customers is currently only 15% of the population.

2.  The3G time is coming, while somemobile phone network operator’s technology is not very mature ,especially theoperators’ in the emerging markets. Dizz can give full play to its technicaladvantages, consolidate and expand its markets in Europe, and take theopportunity to seize the emerging markets of Asia and Africa.

3.  Theglobal financial crisis is a challenge for Dizz, but it can also be anopportunity! The crisis has influences on Dizz, it also has influence on otheroperators. If we make the right strategic decisions in this recession, ourmarket and competitiveness will be much enhanced! We can usethis chance to take social responsibilities to make our fame. So the image inthe consumers mind will proved ,this will prove our shareholdings in themarket.


1.There are many mobile phone networkoperators in the world. And now generally little difference exists between themin terms of the quality of the signal and network coverage. Customers canselect almost identical mobile phone handsets, mobile phone networks and pricepackages. DIZZ faces great challenges in attempting to differentiate itsservices.

Also, many of the large international mobilephone network operators are targeting the emerging markets as a way to generateadditional growth and to increase shareholder wealth. It is certain that themobile phone network operators will start a new round of fierce competition.

2.Now the telephone operators, both landlineand mobile phone networks, lose some revenues due to fraud. Also there is anongoing problem with mobile phone “hackers causing mobile phone networkoperators to lose revenues.

3. The global financial crisis struck severalleading finance countries and the number of corporate customers will dropdramatically, which directly result in the reduction of revenue.

Next, we will make the strategic decisions ofthe DIZZ according to the SWOT analysis above.


The Analyze ofFinancial Report

1.    Solvencyanalysis

liquidity  ratio
Cash  catio

Cash ratio in 2008and 2007 values were: 13.18%, 10.29%; liquidity ratio from 2001 to 2003 valueswere: 93.61%, 126.47%; asset-liability ratio in 2008 and 2007 values were:26.77% , 22.87%. Information can be seen from the above, the cash ratio is onthe upward trend in 2008 compared with 2007 mainly due to increase in asubstantial increase in current liabilities. The current ratio ,compared 2008and 2007,a substantial drop in both a sharp drop in a substantial increase inthe asset are closely linked. Asset-liability ratio increased year by year wasmainly due to the growth rate of assets is greater than the growth rate ofdebt, including assets under construction projects to improve the most obvious.

 2. Profitability Analysis

Profit  margin
Net-assert  yield
Operating  ratio

      As can be seen from the table, Dizz isalmost no change in the past two years of data, the overall relatively stable.

In 2008, Dizz assetgrowth rate of 26.68%, the net capital gains rate is only 2.8%, indicatingDizz's operating costs are too high, and then a huge capital investment, andthe overall profitability is not high. And, we can see that the capital paybackperiod is relatively long. Of course, due to the nature of the reasons for theindustry, Dizz in the capital on the stability of operation is still relativelygood performance.

 3. Capacity Analysis of funds withdrawn fromcirculation

Operating  expense ratio
Expense  ratio
Fixed  assets turnover

In terms of costs,Dizz in operating expenses are somewhat lower, but on the whole is still high,mainly because the input of more funds for construction reasons. It can be saidfor quite a long period of time, Dizz need to invest a lot of effort to reducecosts, lower operating costs. However, the current stage, Dizz does not seem tohave found a good direction.

In the asset turnoverrate, which causes the composition of capital, excessive fixed assets, whichmeans low turnover, resulting in the profitability of capital is also not highenough. Of course, we believe that this is precisely the currenttelecommunications industry in Asia and Africa must invest relatively backward,so this issue should not do too much discussion.

 4. Balance Sheet Analysis
Increase  or decrease rate

Non-current  assets
current  assets
Total  asserts
total  liabilities
Total  equity

Thesize of liquid assets increased year by year, while the slow growth rate offixed assets, and this was mainly due to fixed equipment within a certainperiod has already reached saturation point, the reason why there is the growthof fixed assets,  it is due to the growthof construction result. Assets in 2008 than in 2007, an increase of 12.32,showed a rising trend, while the main business income in 2008 than in 2007, anincrease of 19.72%, showing increasing trends, assets, income growth trends anda larger gap and lower growth in assets in terms of income, a capital increasein operating income compared with the normal, in the foreseeable future, withina period of time, the company has a stable funding withdrawn from circulation.From debt terms of the changes in 2008 compared with 2007, an increase of28.54%, the magnitude of changes very quickly, can be seen from the table,which was mainly attributable to the increase in current liabilities. Theowner's equity growth rate slowed, it is because in 2008 no investor to injectliquidity into the amount of paid-up capital remained unchanged.

Needto focus on is the growth of liquid assets in 2008 compared to 2007, reduced17.44%, which is very noteworthy. We can believe that the company's cash flowoccurred in a certain degree of atrophy, and in cash, inventories, receivables,etc. there may be a number of problems. Fortunately, due to the nature of thetelecommunications industry itself and a huge investment in fixed assets, thecompany can withstand the current situation.

      We can see from the table that, the fixedassets account for a growing part of the structure from the original 96.70% to95.50%, an decrease of 1.26%; fixed assets in general is on the rise. From thefinancing point of view, debt accounts for a small portion of total assets,23.39% in 2007 2008, and 23.98% in 2008, corresponding to an increase of 2.52%,indicates that the company raises funds through the stock market, but also fromanother angle, the public's right Dizz Development is reported optimism.


Strategic Decisions:

1We should exert DIZZ’scapital advantage. In the case of owning abundant funds, we should take theopportunity to expand in the emerging markets, acquire useful resources, andseize the market, by dint of the financial crisis opportunity. As thetelecommunications market to customers has high viscosity, the users once haveselected one operator, if without larger reasons, they generally would notchange. So for DIZZ it is essential to invest on the emerging markets, to be anearly bird. One way is to enter into a foreign investment with a governmentsponsored operator.

2To limit thecontribution made to various activities of community support at the currentlevel is appropriate. But we should not reduce the investment in advertisingand brand image promotion. In today's high-speed operation of the society, themarket has developed rapidly. Without advertising, one will soon be forgotten.

In order to expand in emerging markets, weshould apply more to Asia and Africa. But we cannot ignore the European market.

3. Dizz’s customer base is a mix ofindividuals and corporate business customers. The corporate business customersgenerate a high ARPU and require high technology. But because of the financialcrisis, the number of corporate customers will drop dramatically, so in the short term we should concentrate on improving theindividuals.

So we can reduce the money applied toresearch into new technology in the short term. But in the long term, we shouldmake the technology at the core and apply more money to it.

4 .Customers’ choice of mobile operator isdetermined by price, the range of the services provided and the perceivedquality of the operators. And the deciding factor on customer loyalty and newconnections is often based on the most suitable price package available to suitcustomers’ requirements.

Therefore, we should continue to improve ourcustomer service, quality service, improve European call centers, and an increaseon Africa’s.

5. The choice of mobile phone handset is alsoa deciding factor for customers’ choice. Dizz has successfully differentiateditself through an exclusive European procurement contract for the newgeneration of mobile phone handsets, which proved a great success.

So it is necessary to procure “designer”mobile phone handsets, designed and manufactured exclusively for its customersmainly in Asia market.

Because of the crisis, the proposal of theGroup CEO ‘s about reducing the costs of outsourcing is necessary.

Well,this is the reportaccomplished by our group ,the4 unique! We have tried our best to do it thesedays and no matter what the result of the competition is ,we will not regrettaking part in this game!


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