quote] 我的理解:
1、从结构上来说:既可以说它是独立主格,也可以说它是概括性同位语:因为它们都符合“,n. + doing”的构造形式。(概括性同位语的结构是n. +that/doing/done,不是单单只能加that。下面给出例子P1-191,正确答案为B。) 191. (32312-!-item-!-188;#058&006469) The loan company announced it would soon lend money to borrowers with proven records of their not paying back their loans on time, collectively known as the subprime lending market. A. of their not paying back their loans on time, B. of not paying back their loans on time, a group C. of not paying back their loans on time, with such a group D. that they do not pay back their loans on time,E. that they do not pay back their loans on time, such a group
2、从逻辑上来说:它不是独立主格,而是概括性同位语。独立主格更倾向于作状语,而这里part of a deal显然是同位语的功能。 -- by 会员 lcy19812000 (2009/11/1 17:15:34) [/quote]
赞! 我昨天自己专门总结了一下同位语,水平有限只考虑了结构,没有考虑逻辑意思。不过感觉结构就够用了。(您可以参考下,但由于我思维混乱,您也可以无视之。。)
同位语可算作一种特殊的独立主格。其形式为: 1.单独同位语 2.同位语+定语成分: a.同位语+doing/done b.同位语+that
如prep1-35 In laboratory rats, a low dose of aspirin usually suffices to block production of thromboxane,a substance that promotes blood clotting, but does not seriously interferepromotes blood clotting, but does not seriously interfere with the production of prostacyclin, which prevents clotting. notes解释:正确, a substance that…独立主格结构作为thromboxane的同位语对thromboxane进行解释说明; but does跳过同位语和suffices并列共同作为a low dose of aspirin的谓语动词
注: 1.同位语前面的with一定不要,这点如同each独立主格结构。且each独立主格结构有时也可看做同位语结构。 2.当题目涉及这个同位语的定语成分doing和that二者pk时的一种解法: 看 同位语+定语成分发生的动作 是否与 (同位语所指的)原主人+谓语动词发生的动作为同一时间。当时间不一致则用that, 否则二者没区别。