以下是引用携隐在2007-2-20 0:19:00的发言: iBeatTrick,Alan写的理由,的确是很多人来美国的理由,至少是理由之一。对这部分人来说,这就是他们的想法,旁人可以有不同的想法,但是也不能下定论说是错的吧。读MBA跟这个理由有没有关系,每个人有自己的判断。每个人读MBA的理由也都不一样,不是所有的人都一心一意为了career,有的人只是为了人生体验,有的人是为了逃避某些东西,有的人是为了换个环境......
Cant agree more. 30 years ago, China was a poor country. We had nothing but dignity. We were all equally poor, while we we were all equally proud of being a Chinese. 30 years later, China becomes a meaningful power in the world. Some of us have everything, through a legal or an illegal mean. These praise for the countries, proud of being rich, not necessarily proud of being a Chinese. Some of us are doing a bit better than 30 years ago, but just a bit. These are still living in country side, trying to get into the big cities, discriminated by so some so called "cheng li ren." Some of us are doing ok, living an ok life, having an ok job, but somehow ideally proposing to change China in an economic way. <--- these people represent a good portion of CDers. We dont think alike anymore, we are detouring from each other because of the inequlities among us. And we are parting each other farther and father. What on earth can help us bind togher again, like we did 30 years ago? |