以下是引用soniashi在2009/10/6 5:44:00的发言:以下是引用Intelfinance在2009/10/4 11:08:00的发言:though during a tough time, No one of the mainland Chinese student goes to IB(even in HK), that seems strange compared to others top programs.
以下是引用driftysnail在2009/8/6 0:41:00的发言:Update:
Class 2010 Summer:
1. Amway, Corp Finance, Audit. US.
2. Business Development & GM program, the biggest seed company in the world, US.
3. Internal Audit, F500 Tech company, US
4. Corp M&A, F500 company, US
5. Corp Finance, planning, J&J, US offer, base in SH.
6. Bank of China International, PE department, Beijing.
7,8: Summer associate, local funds, SH.
(Class 2010 summer, all above are mainland China students.)
Plus one more: Investment Banking, Boston
Two ABCs:
Citi, IBD, NYC
MMC, Corp Fin, NYC
我们这一届同学全都是finance背景,Summer有五位同学算是在financial service industry,从本土中国直接来美国的有一个做IB的,在中银国际,香港的offer,locate在北京;两个做Fund:一个在某知名的Mutual Fund,上海,还有一位我不是很确定是什么性质的基金,但是也在上海一个基金;
一个 ABC 在 NYC 的 Citi Group 做 IBD 。
另据我所知,Yale 今年也有分别在香港和内地投行和PE VC的做Summer的同学,大概是一共4位吧。NYU也有。
though during a tough time, No one of the mainland Chinese student goes to IB(even in HK), that seems strange compared to others top programs.
比如yale,去年一个人都没在美国本土找到实习机会,虽说的确可能很多人想回国发展,但说yale mba个个都想回国,怎么我都不信。年景差,平心而论觉得darden intern还是可以的。