Hi, Kellogg 2011 Thank you very much for all your time and patience with our question. Still have questions about
1) clubs, can you elabrate a little more on the consulting club, and general management club? What activities or events do they have in the past year? providing any service to any companies? --you provide he club link, but i can not open it
2) Seek, can you elabrate a little more, in addtion to: " SEEK 其实是一个专业,此专业下有不同的课程,主要内容是和business ethics 有关,有一门seek 是必修的,和 orientation 在一起。 这门必修的课程会模拟公司发生的各种与ethics有关的紧急情况,让学生自己练习如何处理,比如开新闻发布会,比如发布news release, 一组同学做presentation, 其他同学扮演记者,政府,群众等等发问刁难,非常好玩。具体内容是不好透露,但是保证有趣"
Much appreicate a link about Seek, did not find it If no link, could you elabrate a little more on what the format, 1 or 2 specific cases?
[此贴子已经被作者于2009/10/14 4:39:33编辑过] |