2、ETS很注重句子的逻辑意思。(好比说比较的对等性和逻辑主语) 很多题目一旦把握了这一点,30秒之内就可搞定。但如果没有把握这一点,就陷入了万劫不复的深渊之中。最有代表性的是这个: 894. Unlike other arachnids, which have their nerve cells evenly distributed along their bodies, the scorpion’s nerve cells are clustered in its head, like a mammal’s. (A) bodies, the scorpion’s nerve cells are clustered in its head, like a mammal’s (B) bodies, the scorpion’s head had a cluster of nerve cells, as a mammal does (C) body, the scorpion has a cluster of nerve cells in its head, as a mammal does (D) body, nerve cells are clustered in the scorpion’s head, like a mammal’s(C) (E) body, a cluster of nerve cells is in the scorpion’s head, like a mammal’s 根据可比性,30秒之内肯定可以锁定正确选项就是C。但如果这层纸没有捅破,their body留给我们的选择就只有A或B了吧? 还有很多根据逻辑主语可以锁定一个选项的例子大家自己总结吧。 所以做改错一定首先要明白句子在说什么,说的逻辑意思是否合理。这一点应该摆在第一位,不能就语法来论语法呀。 [此贴子已经被作者于2004-4-13 23:32:19编辑过] -- by 会员 gemj (2003/11/26 3:24:00)
这题儿我还是不懂呀。。。大牛大牛出来讲讲吧~~~ |