though sincerely hope zero's predication come trueit too early to say whether it is a good news.........what if gmat do not restart.... June? we held a petition? chinese gmater ..especially gmater planning taking test May or June is not much........ maybe what we say won't carry much weight..... so plan for the best.......prepare for the worst.. you guys.... heihei...
Last night... i saw a old film again,....Shawshank Redemption..... really thought provoking..... especially..... Andi said: not matter what is your life,,,, you may choose get busy living.. or get busy die.......Red said : some bird is too bright.. they will come out the cage.... anyway...............if compared with the Andi in ... Shawshank.. ... you have no right to complain anything.. just do your homework to change.... change your fate.... by yourself....