以下是引用jelt2359在2009/2/21 23:35:00的发言: Many people have written 站内信 to me asking me about questions on application to business school (Wharton and others), on Wharton, and on business school life in general. So I thought why not start a thread where you can ask me questions (中英文都行) and everyone can benefit!
This does not represent the official view of the Wharton school. My answers represent my own thoughts and those of no one else. Having said that, as co-chair of the Volunteer Admissions Committee I am in frequent contact with the Wharton adcom, and have met over 100 prospective applicants looking to apply to Wharton. So I'm quite familiar with the entire process!
Update: 22页分享本人申请文章 28页分析怎么让自己有差异性
Cheers, Jason
Thanks Jason~~ ~~~
[此贴子已经被作者于2009/8/15 0:27:14编辑过] |