Dear Jason I spent pretty much the entire afternoon reading all you replies and learned so much about Wharton. As an international student I thank you very much for doing this,I can't believe you acutally answered EVERY SINGLE question people have asked. Lauder program was actually recommeded to me by a friend of mine in John Hopkins (I am currently in D.C not so far away from Wharton)and immidiately I fell in love with the program. Before I address my questions please allow me to tell you my stories in short: born and raised in China until the age of 18 then moved to Europe,studied in France for three years then transfered to the U.S college and got a bachelor degree in Intenatioanl Relations. After graduation, I moved to D.C and interned in two organizations.So basically I am fluent in Chinese, French and English. Just a few questions for our lovely Jason! 1) I know I will have to take French as my track because of the non-native speaker rule, however I do want to focus on the Chinese market (the research you are doing right now sounds way too compelling!). Is it because I choose French as my track that I will have to concentrate on the French/European business field? In another words, do I have the flexibility to study Chinese business studies with my French track? 2)I am going back to China on Nov 18th which leaves me a month to prepare all the application materials. Will you say its a good idea to do a campus-visit? Will it be a good investment (time and money wise)? 3)Will I be able to take OPI while I am in China? I am really overwhelmed by GMAT and all the application stuff so I dont'think I will be well prepared for the OPI. looking forward to hearing from you. Yi PS: I think i add you on fb><     |