根据招生办公室的说明,3/1日前提交完整申请,都有机会参加奖学金评定,但因为申请人很多,而且评审是rolling basis,建议越早提交申请越好。不过有一点是肯定的,能够拿到奖学金的人一定是在学业,个人发展,兴趣爱好等多方面表现都很优秀的人。如果说你很优秀,但是申请得很晚,很有可能就被和你一样优秀的人先拿走了奖学金的名额。所以建议对商学院专业很感兴趣的同学越早申请越好。 The Tobin College uses a rolling admission policy. Applications are acted upon once they are complete. While the College makes every attempt to advise candidates of missing application items, the application process is self-managed, and it is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that all materials reach the Graduate Admission Office in time for a decision to be made for the upcoming term. Our recommended deadlines are: For Admission to the summer or fall term - May 1 For Admission to the spring term - November 1 For those that want to be considered for a Graduate Assistantship - March 1 Applicants to the MS in Management of Risk Program are only eligible for fall admission. Students applying from countries outside of the United States are advised to apply well in advance of these deadlines, owing to the longer timelines required to process credentials and make visa arrangements. |