以下是引用kirstenrl87在2009-3-24 10:41:00的发言: 我申请的是RM,现在我的材料已经齐了,昨天Jeniffer发邮件告诉我我的申请已经送交审查了,但是你这么说是不是我已经不能被录取了呢,是不是招收的中国学生已经有好几个了,所以学校不会再考虑录取中国学生了呢?我之前想问的就是我还能不能申请学校的奖学金,因为我网上申请是3月1号之前提交的,除了第七学期的成绩是现在才到学校以外,其他的材料包括GMAT成绩和IELTS成绩都是在3月1号之前寄到的,这种情况我还能被考虑给与奖学金吗? No, I definitely didn't mean that you won't get admitted. If your whole application package has just been finished, it is highly possible that a decision is not made yet. As I said in my previous response, the evaluation for scholarships is postponed till April. But please followup with either Jennifer or Rebekah about your scholarship status. |