190. (26333-!-item-!-188;#058&001956)
The thirteen original British colonies in North America, some formed as commercial ventures, others as religious havens, each had a written charter that set forth its form of government and the rights of the colonists. A. some formed as commercial ventures, others as religious havens, each had a written charter
SOME..., OTHERS --- 是独立主格? 因为formed 可以作为过去分词作修饰
主句是 each had? (each 在这里不是独立主格)each 的独立主格形式= each+名词+名词/形容词/分词/介系词 这题实在是晕菜了。请高手求证!
E. with some formed as commercial ventures, while others as religious havens, each had a written charter
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-4-9 1:48:19编辑过] |