不好意思,回帖晚了点。 收到CPA-EXAM 的回信了,请有问题的同学按以下步骤操作,就可以解决问题了。还是软件本身设计有很多对系统的限制和要求造成的。只要改一下你计算机的设置就好了。 祝大家好运! 1. Verify that pop-up blockers are disabled. You may have to disable toolbars (Yahoo or Google for example). The following link is very useful for assistance with a pop-up blocker: http://www.iian.ibeam.com/activecast/checker/moreinfo/popupblockers.html
2. Verify that you do not have any active firewall software that could be hindering your access. You may need to check with your internal IT department or the manufacturer of any security software you may be running on how to add the CPA Sample Exam site as a safe website.
3. Verify that there is enough RAM memory available as outlined on the sample exam page on www.cpa-exam.org. Complete the following exactly as written, using only Internet Explorer Version 6 or higher.
Note: The CPA Sample Exam is not compatible with Macintosh operating systems. If you are using the Microsoft Windows Vista operating system, you will need to take one extra step. Before installing the CPA Sample Exam in Windows Vista you must first download and install the dhtmled control. Instructions are provided by clicking on the following link: http://www.cpa-exam.org/aicpatutorial/vista_walkthrough.htm
In order to use the CPA Sample Exam software your Windows Regional Setting must be set to United States (English). The software does not support any other region and will not function.
Please be sure to use Windows XP to access the sample exam.
1. Open an Internet Explorer (IE) browser.
2. Select the Tools button.
3. At the Tools box display, select Internet Options.
4. In the Internet Options box, select the Settings button in the Temporary Internet files area.
5. In the Settings box, select the View Objects button.
6. At the Downloaded Program Files window, delete all the files that contain AICPA in the title (approximately seven files). When you've finished, exit out of the selections and apply the changes by selecting Apply where prompted. If no Apply button exists, select OK.
7. Close the Internet Explorer browser.
8. Repeat steps one through five.
9. At the Downloaded Program files window no files containing AICPA should be displayed. If the system rejects any of these deletions, you must skip to step 11.
10. Close the folder and select OK to back out to the Internet Explorer browser.
11. Please be aware that the system may indicate that it cannot delete a file or two. If this occurs you must reboot your machine and complete steps one through seven again to remove any deleted files.
12. Close the Internet Explorer Browser if it is open.
13. Try loading it again. In the beginning, there may be a request to load an ActiveX control in the area just under the URL address on the IE browser. If the following message is not displayed in the white box below the exam selections on the CPA site.
Viewer Progress Log started in file C:\......................
Attempt to run the sample examination.
Note: If it fails, please email the log file created by the sample test process to t2samplesupport@strasz.com.
A specialist will contact you within 24-48 hours from receipt of your email.
Access this log file by performing the following:
1. Right-click on the Start menu.
2. Select Open.
3. On the folder tool bar, select the folder level button (i.e., the button that is indicated by a folder with the arrow pointing up). It’s next to the Search button on the middle tool bar.
4. In the address bar C:\Documents and Settings\ {a name} should be displayed. In the folder itself, a group of folders should be displayed, locate the Application Data folder.
5. If the Application Data folder is not displayed, perform the following instructions listed below:
a. Access Tools from the data box.
b. Within Tools, select Folder Options.
c. Within Folder Options select the View tab.
d. Locate and select the Show Hidden Files and Folders radio button.
e. Select Apply. Then select OK.
f. The Application Data Folder should be available to select.
7. Within Application Data there is an AICPA folder.
8. Select the AICPA folder and 20070813.log file should be displayed.
9. Attach that log file to this email.
10. Your information will be forwarded to the appropriate area, and you will be contacted shortly.