lz, 我问过adm office和career service关于2009 May毕业的1 year track graduate情况了,回复如下: Regarding the May 2009 students, 66% have reported their employment. We suspect the other 34% are employed as they have been emailed to join a resume book to be sent to prospective employers and none have replied. The salary statistics are as such: High $95,000, Low $50,000, mean $68,886, and median $66,000. We do not break our statistics down by home country. I hope this information will be helpful as you make your decision. 看起来还不错,不像你说的那么不容乐观嘛。不过我也不知道这一批学生里面有多少是大陆过去的中国人。。另外,你最近怎么不更新就业情况啦,一直等着你更新呢。呵呵。 -- by 会员 phenix3 (2009/12/25 22:44:43)
May的情况我真的不清楚,我现在就更新09Fall的情况 |