以下是引用pexi在2008-12-25 8:41:00的发言:Ann Malison : alw161@psu.edu 我之前跟Ann面的,面砸了。。结果提前收到了拒信,很遗憾;很感谢这里的不不前辈,帮了我很多;有机会去SH的话,一定要请不不前辈吃饭  Ann的面经CD里有,大家搜一下就好了,问题和之前的面经几乎一模一样。。我就是觉的不可能一样,所以才放松对那些问题的准备..大家加油吧,真的觉的smeal很好。 很遗憾不能和你做校友了,不过相信你会在其它学校的申请中取得好OFFER 好好准备其它学校的申请哈。。祝你一切顺利 至于面试的话,SMEAL的面试比较传统,不太会超过以前面经的问题。 以下是TOP 20 INTERVIEW QUESTIONS,不管是面试哪个学校还是面试工作,这些都是常见问题,大家可以好好准备 1. Tell me a little about yourself. 2. Walk me through you resume (also treat this one as your "commercial"). 3. What are your short and long term career goals? 4. Why did you return for your MBA and why Smeal? 5. Describe your three greatest strengths. 6. What is your greatest weakness? 7. Do you work better by yourself or as a member of a team? 8. Describe a situation where you demonstrated good communications skills. 9. What’s the biggest risk you’ve ever taken? 10. What would your previous supervisor say about you….both positive and negative? 11. Describe a confrontation you’ve had with a supervisor. Who was wrong and why? 12. Describe a situation where you made a mistake. How did you handle it and what was the result? 13. Tell me about an unsuccessful team of which you were a member? 14. Describe a situation where you had to deal with an ethical issue on the job; what did you do, what was the outcome? 15. What's the difference between a manager and a leader? 16. Provide an example of your leadership ability. 17. What have you done to develop your leadership skills? 18. Provide an example of when you asserted yourself in a high-pressure or emergency situation. 19. What decisions are the easiest for you to make and which are hardest? 20. Why should I hire you? |