以下是引用lavendery在2009-1-26 18:44:00的发言:不知不觉, 我有一问题请教. 在网页上看到Penn State 的MBA分几个不同校区, 如Univeristy Park, Eris, Great Valley and Harrisburg. 这几个有什么区别? 我T分不高, U park去不了, 看到其他几个想试. 谢谢! 对其它几个校区的MBA项目之前木有了解,刚刚去学校网页上看了看,找到以下信息,是它们的大致的分别。 http://www.behrend.psu.edu/admissions/mba/international.htm 如果MM想要申请其它校区的,建议好好研究下这几个具体项目的网页。我刚才研究了一个,发现跟SMEAL的无论从申请的流程,还是截至日期,课程安排都有很多不同。因为我们都不了解具体的,没有什么可资借鉴的材料给MM,MM只能靠自己把网页仔细看看了。 The University Park campus is located in State College, Pennsylvania. There are approximately 34,500 undergraduate and 6,200 graduate students at this location. The Smeal College of Business Administration houses the MBA program at University Park. This program requires full-time study, several years of work experience, and students are admitted only for the fall semester. Penn State Harrisburg is located in the state's capital, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. The students served by this evening MBA program are primarily working professionals who wish to complete their MBA on a part-time basis. Penn State Great Valley is located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The campus does not offer a full time MBA program, daytime classes or residence facilities. Penn State Erie . A large majority of students enrolled in the MBA program attend classes on a part-time basis, the school offer daytime courses for full time students who then enroll in electives held during the evening. MBA classes will continue to be held in the daytime if there is a sufficient amount of full time students to support them. 我只研究了这个项目,这个好像春,夏,秋三季都可入学。。
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-1-26 21:19:53编辑过] |