In 1960’s studies of rats, scientists found that crowding increases the number of attacks among the animals significantly. But in recent experiments in which rhesus monkeys were placed in crowded conditions, although there was an increase in instances of “coping” behavior—such as submissive gestures and avoidance of dominant individuals—attacks did not become any more frequent. 这一段都是在讲rhesus monkeys 而最后一句结论就推到了for any species of monkey,是没根据的。所以C说rhesus monkeys 比其他monkeys更易激怒,这样rhesus monkeys 都没产生aggression行为才能推出任一猴子种类中拥挤不会引致aggression行为。 A的话说不拥挤的rhesus monkeys 种群中也有coping behavior,但没有提攻击行为,得不出任何结论。
Therefore it is not likely that, for any species of monkey, crowding increases aggression as significantly as was seen in rats.这句话应该如何理解呢,如果是:不是任何一个种类的猴子在拥挤的环境下都会更加aggresion,我觉得应该选A啊,排除他因:“coping” behavior并不是rhesus monkeys在表达aggression。