我现在好像理解了你的问题了。 不过我觉得时态如果是离开问题去讨论是没有意义的。因为其实你会发现很多很tricky的时态问题在没有时间标志词的情况下都是要通过句意去解决的。 还有一个问题是baby姐经常提醒我的常见的错误,Ron也曾提到过多次。DO NOT justify the incorrect sentence!OG12-Q21这道题目里面,D、E本来就是错误的,最大的原因就是因为他的句子重心已经发生了变化,draw才是句子的真正主语,而having amassed只不过是neuroscientist的一个定语,你把句子的谓语变成have amassed,把draw变成去讨论drawing的成分是没有意义的,因为它句子本身就错了。
Thank you! 同学,我想我还是没有表达清楚我的想法。我明白你对于OG21A的解释,这里的结构是 S, V-ING, VO,这个结构还是比较好理解的,因为V-ING的作用是做定语修饰S。无论是从语法上还是语义上A都是最顺眼的。 不过,当时很多同学问这道题为什么D或者E,我看到一种比较有道理的解释就是:S have amassed O, drawing sth. (1)这里having 做伴随动作讲不通,因为have amassed 和drawing不同时发生 (2)drawing修饰前面的entire action做伴随结果更从意思上讲不通。 如果这里的解释是正确的话,这道题的结构:S have received sth, having been sth.从意思上having been sth没法修饰前面的entire action.那就剩下另外一种可能:伴随动作。问题是这里have received和 having been sth可以理解为同时发生?
实在是不好意思,短了我这么久才回帖。我就说说我自己的看法吧,open to discuss! OG 21题的这个having amassed 作的是neuroscientists的noun modifier。这个可以通过它的位置和语意都可以确定。 通过位置来看。这个having amassed的短语是放在主语noun和谓语中间的,即 noun. , noun modifer, Verb。这里的noun modifer可以理解成一个插入语。如果是伴随状语的话一般形式是:clause,ving。 从语意来看,这句话的意思是 Neuroscientists are now drawing solid conclusions about how the human brain grows and how babies acquire language. What kind of neuroscientists? the ones who have amassed a wealth of knowledge over the past twenty years about the brain and its development from birth to adulthood. 这样子理解完之后你发现其实having amassed就是可以改成一个定语从句去理解。 关于前面的TX提到的定语修饰不能有完成时,我不知道有这样的规则,不好评论,但是推测上面应该说的是说那种touch原则的修饰,定语从句什么的都不用去考虑。而这里其实就是一个定语从句的省略,没必要考虑完成时什么的。 LS的疑问应该就是出在把having amassed作伴随状语去了吧?其实它就只是一个noun modifer而已。
同意,但是请问这里改怎么理解时态呢? 这里做伴随状语(当然是伴随动作而不是伴随结果),通常伴随动作应该是与主语动作同时发生。但是这里主句完成时,伴随还是完成时。这里该如何理解同时发生? 21.Neuroscientists, having amassed a wealth ofknowledge over the past twenty years about the brainand its development from birth to adulthood, are nowdrawing solid conclusions about how the human braingrows and how babies acquire language. (A)Neuroscientists, having amassed a wealth ofknowledge over the past twenty years aboutthe brain and its development from birth toadulthood, are (B)Neuroscientists, having amassed a wealth ofknowledge about the brain and its developmentfrom birth to adulthood over the past twentyyears, and are (C)Neuroscientists amassing a wealth of knowledgeabout the brain and its development from birthto adulthood over the past twenty years, and are (D)Neuroscientists have amassed a wealth ofknowledge over the past twenty years aboutthe brain and its development from birth toadulthood, (E)Neuroscientists have amassed, over the pasttwenty years, a wealth of knowledge about thebrain and its development from birth toadulthood,
答案: A 这里DE错误就是因为其结构 Neuroscientists have amassed bla bla over the past 20 yrs, nowdrawing bla bla. 两个动作所在的timeframes根本就 为什么在这个题里面就讲得通了呢?
当然是伴随状语咯。 本题的逻辑是: have received inadequate treatment具体来讲有很多种可能,举其中的两种为例(for example):having been prescribed a drug at a dosage too low 或者是 having been taken off a drug too soon。这里用v.~ing是为了符合伴随状语的形式,用having been而不用being是为了与前面的have received保持时态一致。-- by 会员 lcy19812000 (2009/3/31 20:23:00)
-- by 会员 baixuefei0524 (2012/4/25 13:03:45)
-- by 会员 teddybearj4 (2012/4/27 23:25:15)
-- by 会员 baixuefei0524 (2012/4/28 7:34:19)