又是一个关于第一条总结的例子 (1) 主句(其中一般动词谓语) + doing 分词,现在分词可能做定语修饰其紧跟名词,也可能做状语修饰主句,此时须考虑现在分词修饰逻辑问题。(无逗号)
In the past several years, astronomers have detected more than 80 massive planets, most of them as large or larger than Jupiter, which circle other stars.
(A) most of them as large or larger than Jupiter, which circle (B) most of them as large or larger than Jupiter and circling (C) most of them at least as large as Jupiter, circling (D) mostly at least as large as Jupiter, which circle (E) mostly as large or larger than Jupiter, circling 答案是C 这个题具有很强的欺骗性,很像是 circling 前面有逗号分隔 可实际上,most of them at least as large as Jupiter, 为插入成分,所以还是应该按照第一条总结对待。
如果 circling想要作为定语修饰 Jupiter 应该无逗号隔开。
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-2-18 2:46:27编辑过] |