以下是引用chnbsb在2008-6-16 2:09:00的发言:你在美国买的电脑,一般都是英文系统吧... 不过肯定是中文系统更好...百分之一万! 英文系统下识别中文倒是没有问题,不过你看看英文系统下显示的那些中文字就都有想吐的感觉,特别是浏览网页的时候...还有些中文软件的显示不正常...等等等等 不过貌似原装的英文系统是正版的,格掉的话不划算,毕竟操作系统也是算钱的... 不过你真的想格式化的话,去看看那些装linux的电脑,哈哈~ Not really. English system is definitely better than Chinese system in my opinion. I don't see any compatibility issue if you change the language of the non-unicode program to Chinese. Regarding the font problem, once you install the 微軟黑體 in your computer, problem is solved. There are several problems using the Chinese system. For example, it is really hard to discuss with the technical support of your computer's manufacturer if you have problems with your computer. |