PART III: Getting Into A Multinational Firm CHAPTER 8: What Are Multinational Managers Looking For?
What Are Multinational Managers Looking For? The young man who approached me after my presentation in Beijing on Developing A Career In A Multinational Firm was perplexed. He had listened to me talk about mainland professionals who were attaining exceptional opportunities and doing extremely well in multinational companies. His English was good, and he had several years of work experience with a reputable Chinese company. He kept himself up-to-date with international events and business developments. Yet, he was puzzled over why others with backgrounds seemingly no more qualified than his were able to get into such promising jobs, while he couldn’t. There wasn't a single answer I could give him. However, among those candidates that we work with who have successfully entered and developed a career in a multinational company, some things are common among them. Skills such as English language ability, industry expertise, or management experience are, of course, attractive to any company. But perhaps more importantly, there are key intangible qualities that multinational managers place even greater value on when evaluating prospective employees. Although the order of importance varies, the following are repeatedly mentioned by executives and human resources personnel whom I have posed the question to: what are the most important characteristics that you look for when hiring new staff and promoting key people?
Highly Sought Employee Characteristics: • Professionalism • Transparency and Credibility • Accountability/Taking Responsibility • Effective Communications skills • Understanding The Big Picture • International-Oriented Thinking • Team player • Leadership • Initiative • Open-minded • Finding solutions • Values • Right Attitude • One Foot In Asia, One Foot In The West
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-4-8 14:29:20编辑过] |