.(版本1)740关于Manufacturing and authorized retailers对gray market的两种理解, 第一段觉得会使他们的profit down, 第二段说其实不会,举了个例子告诉怎样使profit 增加,high price and focus on the service,有题问采取什么方法能达到这个目的。 (版本2)770一个是gray market的,看到别的几经有提到。很短,也很容易懂。 (版本3)Manufacturing and authorized retailers对gray market的态度。指出GRAY MARKET是可以BENEFIT RETAILER的。 (版本4)第一篇讲传统观点认为grey market的存在不利于企业和正规零售商增加利润,新理论认为grey market可以吸引在意价格的顾客,使正规企业和零售商的顾客大多数成为不关注价格只关注质量的人,这样企业和零售商就可以节省与顾客讨价还价的精力与时间,提高商品质量,提高利润。 (版本5)730.gray market, 短 考了 (1)主题题:我选了EXPLAIN那个 (2)第2.3段的关系 我选:E.第二段提出了GRAY MARKET 对商家有利的CONDITION.第3段解释怎样对商家有利 (3) 问作者认为在有GRAY MARKET 的情况下,商家可能会做出那种行为,我选:回第三段定位.E.不用去迎合一些顾客OTHERWISE THEY WILL CRATER FOR (版本6)720是讲gray market的,主要说原来manufacturer和retailer都很害怕gray market, 因为他们sell products under priced,减少了profit margin,但是其实不是这样的。因为有两个原因,有一个是most customers are price-insensitive,还一个不记得了。。。所以gray market只能吸引到price sensitive的顾客,而retailer的优质服务可以吸引到price-insensitive的顾客。所以retailer就可以通过提高价格来获得更多的revenue. 有个是逻辑的题目,问哪个可以削弱retailer revenue increase的结果。。 我选了个(1)越来越多顾客都变的price sensitive, and the trend will continue的选项。 (2)authorized retailer will stage a price war, because of the appearance of gray market。。。,and then the profit margin 就会下降了, (3)讲为了提高服务,或增加广告投入因而增加了成本,导致PROFIT下降。 (版本8)740 <1段>一般manufacturers认为grey marketing(retailers降价促销)会使他们产品形象受损,获利下降。 <2段>但新的研究显示,在某些情况下(消费者价格敏感度差距大&部分消费者对价格不敏感)grey marketing反而使manufacturers获利率上升。 <3段>解释授权的retailer 可提供更高质量的服务来吸引对价格不敏感的消费者,使其变成忠实客户à授权的retailer获利成长àmanufacturers获利率上升 Q:问全文主旨? 第3段的结构作用? 授权的retailer运用何种策略吸引消费者? (版本10) 第一段:简介Grey market,Manufacturing and authorized retailers觉得会使他们的profit down。 第二段:其实gray market在某种市场环境下对Manufacturing and authorized retailers会产生的积极影响。介绍这种市场环境两要素:1、价格敏感的客户2、有价格不敏感的客户。 第三段:举了个例子告诉为什么这种市场环境能使retailers 的profit 增加。他们可以通过只关注对价格不敏感的客户,提高他们的服务水平来达到利润增加目的。 问题: 1、主题:这里大家考试的时候再好好看看选项,我记得E选项有点迷惑,我选了A,解释在一定的市场环境下Manufacturing and authorized retailers可以通过Grey market获利。 2、在Grey market中retailers可以怎样?关注他们该关注的客户群体,放弃Margin那部分客户群体。 3、第二段/第三段在文中的作用:第二段介绍gray market有利于Manufacturing and authorized retailers的条件,第三段解释为什么在这样的条件下会有利。 (版本11)Grey market Saying that Manufacturer and retailers are normally afraid of grey market because grey market sells products at cut prices and that would hamper their businesses. But a study found that under some CERTAIN conditions, grey market would benefit manufacturer and retailers. Such condition is when most customers in the market are of either one of the two types: either being "very price sensitive" or being "very selective but price incensitive". The grey market will absorb the very price sensitives customers so that retailers don't have to offer large discount off their normal prices to attract bargainers, who have already been absorbed to the grey market. As a result of that, retailers can focus on competing for the 2nd type of customers who are willing to pay high prices but are very picky about quality and services and thus they achieve better profit margin. 题目有... 1. What best describes the functions of the 2nd and 3rd paragraph answer should be something the 2nd paragraph gives a condition in which grey market can benifit retailers and the 3rd paragraph explains why it's benefitial 2. Oops...