以下是引用tzuchang在2008-3-31 5:44:00的发言: To shentao, I saw one post from neo when he finished his interview w/ prof. at Wiscon. The prof told him their placement is not good, so they will increase the offer. UMN this yr offers more than 5 chinese students, but will all of them choose UMN? Are u going to UMN? Thx. BTW, I am very likely to get in UMN since the prof there told me they will offer several rounds this yr, and they still have a few offers to be released.
5个肯定不会都去,所以这才前前后后offer了这么多 我觉得如果你umn和madison都有希望的话还是争取下后者,至少每年多不少钱。劝劝neo,哈哈 |