以下是引用judydongxueni在2008-3-25 19:55:00的发言:可以延期的呀.我很确定.尤其是lz有结婚这么个在西方人眼里看来最合理的理由. 赶紧和学校说下啊! lz低调的很啊,最开始还说都没拿到,转眼就都拿到了^_^ 希望你明年洞房花烛接金榜题名哈哈 谢谢Judy这么好的祝福! 我已经和GSU的Coordinator联系过,每个学校的政策不一样,他家给我的答复是不行。。。(really sad!!!) ".... I cannot defer your admission. We only offer admission in conjunction with a financial aid package, e.g., the GRA. Therefore, the nature of the budgeting process does not allow me to defer your offer of admission until next year. You are a very competitive candidate this year, and I would expect that you would be a competitive candidate again next year. However, I would have to evaluate your application relative to the pool of applicants next year. Frankly, even if I could offer a deferred admission (which I cannot ), I imagine that you would apply to some other schools to check out your options and that there is no guarantee that you would enroll in our program. ...." |