请教下题中, increased price, reduced price分别表示增加后的价格,减少后的价格还是增加的价格,减少的价格。参考书里面的解释混淆不清。这道题虽然部要求具体计算,但还是想弄清楚,请赐教。 The price per share of stock x increased by 10 % over the same time period that the price per share of stock y decreased by 10 %. The reduced price per share of stock y was what percent of the original price per share of stock x. 1. the increased price per share of stock x was equal to the original price per share of stock y. 2. the increase in the price per share of stock x was 10/11 the decrease in the price per share of stock y. 书中对题目中的reduced price 解释为“减少的价格”而对 1中的increased price 却解释为增加后的价格。个人认为这2个是相对的,应该解释为增加或减少后的价格。我的理解正确吗? |