以下是引用uptowngirl在2008-2-21 16:04:00的发言:谢谢各位的回复。还有个问题: UVA是去年给的defer offer, 所以我今年要去; DUKE是今年给的defer offer,所以我要明年才能去。 到今年入学,我才一年半的工作经验。 大家觉得,综合考虑,我是应该今年去UVA呢,还是明年去DUKE? 一年和两年的工作经验有什么大的差别吗? What worries me a lot is that I might have difficulties finding jobs after graduation... Will my AICPA certificate (not a CPA license) help in any way? What will my career prospects be like in two years' time? First, Cong on your offers from both excellent schools. As current school of Duke, I have no hands-on clue for UVA program although I also got offer from UVA when I applied. Just provide 2 cents of general thoughts about MBA education. Without much working experience, you would surely suffer from highly case-oriented method at UVA. I would argue that 1 yr and 2 yr w/e do have difference, but in my opinion, you are still too young to receive MBA education. Without enough working experiences, your understanding to industry, to leadership and to business might not as sharp as your peer classmates, so which might affect your job haunting. But if you want to do finance, there might be a little bit differences. Actually we couple of current students at Duke plans to hold a informal welcome session for incoming students around middle March in Shanghai (after R2 result released). So if you can join us, you might find it helpful. Best, |