数学不是很难, 我觉得大家不要担心. 有一道198X年10月X号是Friday, 问2002年的这一天是几号. 因为我前面做的慢, 就掰手指算了一下. 还好数学拿了49. 我的复习时间很短, 几乎没有练习RC, 搞得verbal 很低.
1: 讨论一个什么虫子到底是在cotton还是在别的植物上寄生,举了一些证据证明到底是在cotton and its relative plants还是hamprexx的植物 2: CEO decided by board of directors, vs. by internal management. (Board of directors tend to change CEO when company underperformed. Internal mgmt tends to have CEO from internal due to self-interest … it can keep themselves stay…) 3. Hawaii labor prior to World War II. Employers tended to recover their social status, etc. Second paragraph, examples about Japanese and Philippines strike, unionized. 4.想起来再告诉大家..
我觉得语法很tricky, 逻辑不是很难. 但我肯定是粗心了, 搞得题目越来越简单. 所以得分很低, very upset. 还要再考. 但还是和大家share一下. 祝各位好运.