1.For any positive integer x, the "2-height" of x is defined to be the greatest nonnegative integer n such that 2^n is a factor of x.if k and m are positive integers,,what is the 2-height of k greater than the 2-height of m ? (1) k>m (2) k/m is an even integer 选B,不知道怎么求解出来的 是XDF书上的一道,FEIFEI中也有一道类似的,但是是PS,(如下),我似乎有点搞起来了,愣是没看懂,请好心人指教~万分感谢!
2.For all x, x is positive integer, "2-height" is defined to be the greatest nonnegative n of x, what is the greatest number of 2-height when 2" is the factor of x? A. 2 B. 12 C. 40 D. 76 E. 90 选C?!
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