1. m是奇数时,m=3m m是偶数属,m=1/2 m 问 9* 6=? 2. 农场有60只动物,其中2/3不是pig就是cow,问有多少只cow? 1)。The farm has more than twice as many cows as it has pigs.
2)。The farm has more than 12 pigs
第一个答案是27,第二个答案是C 想了半天也不明白为什么 希望xdjm们能开导一下. 先谢谢了
把原题抄下来了 怕是自己理解的问题... 因为觉得prep的答案应该不会错吧.. 1. for all positive integers m, m=3m when m is odd and m=1/2 m when m is even. Which of the following is equivalent to 9* 6? 选项有81,54,36,27,18 答案是27 原题里下划线都是用方框框起来的,我不会打那样的字,就用下划线了 2. of the 60 animals on a certain farm, 2/3 are either pigs or cows. How many of the animals are cows? 1)。The farm has more than twice as many cows as it has pigs.
2)。The farm has more than 12 pigs 答案是C
2)。The farm has more than 12 pigs 答案是C
2)。The farm has more than 12 pigs 答案是C 第一道解决啦 答案是 27 还剩第二道题了
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-1-17 5:31:42编辑过] |