"怎么这样啊,那些700多的大牛难道做的全错?全对的才10几分,真是奇怪啊,系统能判JJ,也太强了吧。 个人估计那应该是不可能的事情,理论上母语是英语的人应该比我们做的快的,不知道他们是否也会得很低的分数啊。" It is possible for system to identify some JJ or gambling. Let see if in the first 10 Qs, you get 8 right in 22 minute; then questions become more difficult, but you hit JJ, so you can next 8 right in 10 minutes; the next 10 Questions are not JJ, then you only get 3~4 Qs are right in 25 min because they are more diifficult and not JJ; This kind of big up-and-down makes computer difficult to determine your real level; so the best way for system to determine your score is to remove some of your best performed (JJ) and worst performed questions (GMAT let you know some of questions are unaccounted for scores) - unfortunately, your worst performed questions are most difficult questions or high score questions; I geuss this is the reason you endup very low V score. This is why you need to pace yourself and be consistent. Since RC parts are much more easy for system to identify who use JJ, because RC is more like all-or-none situation; you hit jj, then 3~4 Qs are all right; while in another RC, you may end up all wrong even it may be simple than JJ. For math, it is very difficult to identify who use JJ because most questions are independent. |